Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Thursday & Friday Jan 28 & 29 Days 16, 17

OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet as well as access to their Google drive acct, students will research data about their selected country and fill-in a data sheet. This data sheet will be used to build an Infographic on a Poster Board

Given a chromebook with access to the internet, student will record information presented in a powerpoint and fill-in a data chart for the various stages of a "Democratic Transition Model"

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the key population components that are present in each country to understand their challenges as it relates to advancing along the Demographic Transition Model sequence from a lower stage country to a more modern stage country.

Students need to understand the various causes/forces which propel a country along the various stages of economic and social development within a Democratic Transition Model process

EVIDENCE: By filling in the chart, students will become demonstrate the ability to locate specific data from a data packet, translate that data into a graph or chart, and then display that data in an Infographic for easier understanding.

By filling in their chart, students will be able to identify how demographers classify countries along the Demographic Transition Model, and will be able to identify where "their country" (the one they selected as part of the Infographic project) is located. 
This short video will be followed by a short TED conference video from Hans Rosling about the Population Growing Box by Box - Population Growth Box by Box

 We will cover stages 3 - 5

The next step will be to finish the DTM ppt and finish to fill-in the DTM chart they made last week. After each stage is presented, students should finn-in the appropriate info into the DTM chart.

Students will then be assigned a short article and questions about efforts to limit population growth.
Here is the article - Should we limit population?

Students will be given time in class to continue to work on building their Infographic

Gates Annual Letter - Gates Letter

Boundless Malthus theory - Malthus

Monday, January 26, 2015

Tuesday & Wed Jan 27th & 28th Days 14 &15

OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet as well as access to their Google drive acct, students will research data about their selected country and fill-in a data sheet. This data sheet will be used to build an Infographic on a Poster Board

Given a chromebook with access to the internet, student will record information presented in a powerpoint and fill-in a data chart for the various stages of a "Democratic Transition Model"

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the key population components that are present in each country to understand their challenges as it relates to advancing along the Demographic Transition Model sequence from a lower stage country to a more modern stage country.

Students need to understand the various causes/forces which propel a country along the various stages of economic and social development within a Democratic Transition Model process

EVIDENCE: By filling in the chart, students will become demonstrate the ability to locate specific data from a data packet, translate that data into a graph or chart, and then display that data in an Infographic for easier understanding.

By filling in their chart, students will be able to identify how demographers classify countries along the Demographic Transition Model, and will be able to identify where "their country" (the one they selected as part of the Infographic project) is located. 

This short video will be followed by a short TED conference video from Hans Rosling about the "Incredible Washing Machine" -  The Incredible washing machine
From this short presentation, students should gain a better understanding of the impact of industrialization on the rest of the world.

1st day we will cover stages 1 & 2

The next step will be to view the DTM ppt and begin to fill-in the DTM chart they made last week. After each stage is presented, students should finn-in the appropriate info into the DTM chart.

DTM Chart Blank (this is the form students create in Drive Document by copying and pasting the DTM Chart image (see chart image below) and inserting a table below the image.

DTM Chart Image (copy and paste this into the doc at the top)

This will be followed by a Short Video on Population Pyramids. - Population Pyramids - predicting the future

After the video students will make a population pyramid (of their selected country) for their Infographic project. The pyramid should be included on the infographic (both digital version as well as physical poster board version.)

Web based Population Pyramid site to get pop breakdown for each country -Country Population Distribution Site

Step by step directions to build a population pyramid in Google Drive - Population Pyramid Directions

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Monday Jan 25th Day 13

Today is Mapping Monday.

This includes 2 (current event) stories.
1- needs to be within the USA and 1 needs to be international.

Here is a short clip from the Daily Show about an important International Issue involving
Boko Haram - Boko Haram

Objective: Each student will be able to identify a current event story, summarize its key components into a summary paragraph, as well as plotting the location of the story on a map of the country in which it occurred.

Rationale: Students need to gain a better understanding of events occurring around the world and where those places are located.

Evidence: By summarizing a story and plotting it on a map, students will show evidence of a global perspective on events affecting the world beyond their immediate surrounding.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Thursday & Friday Jan 22nd and 23rd. Days 11 & 12

OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet as well as access to their Google drive acct, students will research data about their selected country and fill-in a data sheet. This data sheet will be used to build an Infographic on a Poster Board

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the key population components that are present in each country to understand their challenges as it relates to advancing along the Demographic Transition Model sequence from a lower stage country to a more modern stage country

EVIDENCE: By filling in the chart, students will become demonstrate the ability to locate specific data from a data packet, translate that data into a graph or chart, and then display that data in an Infographic for easier understanding.

Directions for Thursday and Friday

Access this population data packet pdf - Population Packet Data Packet 
Use this packet to fill-in the population Data Sheet - Population Packet Form
Infographic Directions - Infographic Directions

* Be sure to include on your data sheet what stage of the Demographic Transition Model your country is in (is it a stage 2, 3, 4 or 5 ?)

Here are a few sites to help you with your infographic. (some of these sites will require a personal email, the SJUSD email you have will not work because you cannot receive emails on that address)
These will not solve the issue of building the infographic, but can help in design ideas or maybe a graphic or 2

Infographic Tools and Tutorials  

Ten Free Tools for Creating Infographics

8 steps to designing an Infographic

How to Create Great Infographic

How to create a chart in Google Drive 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday Jan 20th & 21 Days 9 &10

OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet as well as access to their Google drive acct, students will create a spreadsheet chart on the causes and consequences of transitions within the the Democratic Transition Model as it relates to population growth.

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the key components which moves countries from one stage to another to better understand their current social, political, and cultural challenges.

EVIDENCE: By filling in the chart, students will be able to identify those factors that are present and those factors when changed (as well as what causes those changes) "pushes" a country along the continuum to a modern day society.

What are the factors that are present in each stage of transition?
Which of those factors can be changed internally and which require outside assistance?
What role does access to information play?
What role does the status of women play?

1st part of the Block:

Current Events update - share some of the impactful stories you summarized.

2nd part of the Block:

Students will pick a country to do their Infrographic and Data Stat sheet.
Your assignment for Thursday/Friday will include filling-in the data sheet for your country.
Here is the blank form -Country Data Sheet Form
As well as building an Infographic to display that information. What is an Infographic ?

We will review the Demographic Transition Model by watching the short video.
We will them continue and finish the Presentation on the DTM.
Next we will create a spreadsheet of the DMT Model and fill-in characteristics of each stage.
DTM Chart Blank (most of the information can be found in the DMT presentation)
This is the image to place on the top of the Chart - DTM Chart Image

Monday Jan 19th Martin Luther King Day

No school today as we honor Martin Luther King.

My favorite piece of writing from Martin Luther King was his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"
if you are interested, here it is....

( Letter from a Birmingham Jail )

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday & Friday Jan 15th and 16th, Days 7 and 8

Population Continued

OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet, get with a partner and identify the key details in each of the paragraphs in the population article, copy and paste them onto a document, and describe the effect of that detail on the growth of population as well as the consequence of that growth.

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the key components to the reasons population has grown exponentially and the consequences and or challenges of that growth

EVIDENCE: By identifying and summarizing the key factors of population growth students will gain a better understanding of the challenges and possible solutions to that growth.

Population Growth Article -Article -
Article Form -Article Form -
Get with clock partner, select key detail in each paragraph (like your annotating it) and explain why that detail is key.
This is due today - ( P2_LastName_Population_Consequences )

Part 2:
Demographic Transition Model presentation -( DTM ppt )

Video on Demographic Transition
Video 1 - ( How did we get so big so fast? )
Video 2 - ( Demographic Transition Model )
Video 3 - ( Pyramids )

Malthus vs Boserup article - Article (answer the question posed near the end  of the article....who is right, Malthus or Boserup, and why? )

For next week-

Current Event Story will be due on Tuesday. - (  P2_LastName_CurrentEvent )
You need to print out this chart and bring it to class for Tuesday - ( Population Chart )
You will also need to bring this world map -  ( World Population Map )

Ted Conference Population Pyramids  - (Population Pyramids - TED )

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday & Wed Jan 13th and 14th, Days 6 & 7

OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to their Google Drive acct's students will be able to access their statement paragraphs and read them (and defend their reasoning) to a group of classmates, within the time allotted.

RATIONALE: Students need to own their opinions and be able to clearly articulate their reasons to classmates.

EVIDENCE: By identifying and summarizing the key factors of their statements students will show evidence of their understanding of population issues.

- students will be placed into groups of 4 each with their statement summary on their chromebook.
- each student will read their statement to the other students in their group. Once each student has read their statement the group will decide on the "best" argument related to the stand the student took either agreeing or disagreeing with the statement.
-the "winner" at the table will have their statement shown to the class through the LCD projector and will read their statement to the class. The class as a whole will decide which statement is the best. The winning table will receive 5 extra credit points.
-all students will share their statements will me by the end  of the activity.

Second half of Block - continuing into Thursday/Friday

OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet, annotate and analyze a introductory article on population to pull out the key data points through a summary statement explanation to its value.

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the key components to the reasons population has grown exponentially and the consequences and or challenges of that growth

EVIDENCE: By identifying and summarizing the key factors of population growth students will gain a better understanding of the challenges and possible solutions to that growth.

Population Growth Article -Article -
Article Form -Article Form - Due 2nd Block day this week

Part 2:
Demographic Transition Model presentation -( DTM ppt )
Video on Demographic Transition
Video 1 - ( How did we get so big so fast? )
Video 2 - ( Demographic Transition Model )
Video 3 - ( Pyramids )

Malthus vs Boserup article - Article

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday Jan 12th Day 5

Today's plan...Mapping/Current Event Monday's

OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet, students will search current event topics to understand the various events occurring in the world around them, bu writing a summary of the events as well as plotting the location of the event onto a physical continent map, identifying its latitude and longitude coordinates.

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the world around them beyond their immediate surroundings. These events around the world are important and having a geographical awareness of where they are occurring is vital to developing a truly global citizen.

EVIDENCE: By summarizing and plotting the various current event stories on maps,  students will begin to develop a better global awareness of events effecting them directly or effecting the world around them.

Current Event Assignment sheet -Current Events

HOW TO LABEL MAPS DIRECTIONS - Map Labeling Directions

USA Political and Physical Maps - USA Maps

USA Political and Physical Lists - USA Maps List

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday & Friday Jan 8th & 9th Days 3 & 4

Today's plan...

OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to express their opinion ( in verbal format by standing in front of 1 of 4 a posted signs (Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) and written form (in an argumentative agree/disagree paragraph)  regarding 1 of 18 separate Population related statements displayed on the screen in class.

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the various challenges facing world population growth, including options to reduce the growth, or ways in which to manage the growth through social economic and political policies, as well as the effects that those policies have on individual rights.

EVIDENCE: By defending their position on these population statements, students will provide evidence that they understand the various factors that effect the decisions they are defending.

Here are the 18 statements - ( 18 statements about Population ) - Due 1st Block day next week (we will go over your writing in class as part of an assignment )

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday and Wed Jan 6th & 7th Day 1 & 2

Today's plan...

OBJECTIVE: Provided a chromebook with access to the class blog, students will be able to identify the various causes which influence population growth by annotating an article which describes it causes.

Provided a chromebook, with access to Google Drive, students will be able to create a Current Events folder, create a Spreadsheet for listing stories and a Drawing document to place geographical maps of continents around the world to place their current event stories

RATIONALE: Students should have an understanding about what has caused world population to increase over the years, as well as those factors that have effected the rate of that growth.

Using the Drive applications provided to students need to followed-up with various assignments and projects where those applications are utilized. The Current Events project allows that to happen

EVIDENCE: By defining the vocab of the article and discussing the various factors, students should should be able to identify the main influences that change (increase, decrease, or stagnate ) the population. Furthermore, by devising solutions to the over-population rate we are currently experiencing, students will demonstrate evident that they understand the various factors to consider.

By using the Google Drive to create a folder, place documents inside that folder, format those documents with the various tools provided with each application, students will demonstrate the skills they acquire while doing the work

Population Video - Population Video (this is the video that provides the data for the Line Graph that students will create)

Population Growth Article.  - Population Growth Article - we will use this article in class as a read aloud activity to introduce the various aspects of Population growth factors - ( Use this article to start your vocab list on a spreadsheet )

Population Line Graph instructions - Line Graph Instructions - (each student will use their Spreadsheet app to create this line graph)

Create a folder titled -Current Events
Create a folder titled - Population

Inside the Current Events folder open the Drawing app and place a copy of each map (listed below) onto a drawing canvas and save it inside the current events folder titled by the name of the continent.

You will also need to create a Spreadsheet document. Column A = Continent, B= Country, C =City, D= Location (which will be the Lat/Long coordinate of the city where the current event story occurred).

Lastly, you will create a Document where you will copy and paste the current event story you have chosen to summarize. (having a copy of the story will ensure it is available when you need it) Also in the Document app you will write you current event summary -
Current Events Directions - Current Events

Inside your Current Events folder using the Drawing app,  place these maps on separate pages
 (make sure you make the maps fit a 8.5 X 11 canvas - some fit better portrait -Africa -and some fit better landscape- Asia )
South America

For the Population Folder - Place the Vocab list you are making, as well as a copy of the Population article we will be annotating.