Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Day 13

Today's Objectives and Outcomes:
    Students will be able to:
    1) Research information on their assigned Theme
    2) Work collaboratively with their assigned group to create a consistent formatted poster
    3) Share a presentation document across 5 people
    4) Build a poster displaying 1 of the 5 themes of Geography
Warm-Up Activity
Describe a Perceptual Region of the USA where you WOULDN'T fit-n

    Each student will be assigned to a group and each group will work collaboratively to develop a consistent theme for their project including type face style, size, color schemes, etc. The assignment sheet for the project can be found here  ( 5 themes assignment sheet ). Once each group is finished with their project, they will present their poster page to the class (each student presenting their own poster) demonstrating their newly acquired presentation skills they developed last week in their 8 slide assignment.
    Today's task: 
       * work as a group to decide the formatting of the posters
       * begin to research the theme to find pictures to be used
       * save those images to your drive and put them in an images folder

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday and Thursday Day 11,12

Today's Objectives and Outcomes:
    Students will be able to:
    1) Assign relative and absolute location
    2) Determine the significant characteristics of "place"
    3) Describe a region in terms of culture, physical features, trade, industry
    4) List reasons why migrations and trade are key events
    5) Explain two significant human-environment interactions

Warm-Up Activity
Describe the unique characteristics that make Almaden and a distinctive PLACE

    The first part of the 5 Themes of Geography will be to view and take notes on a PowerPoint presentation. ( presentation ) Students will be required to take notes using the 3-column Cornell notes technique ( 3 column notes ). Once the presentation has been finished, students will be assigned one of the 5 themes and an assignment to use their newly acquired skills from Google Drive Presentations to make a single slide informational "poster" of their theme. Each student will be assigned to a group and each group will work collaboratively to develop a consistent theme for their project including type face style, size, color schemes, etc. The assignment sheet for the project can be found here  ( 5 themes assignment sheet ). Once each group is finished with their project, they will present their poster page to the class (each student presenting their own poster) demonstrating their newly acquired presentation skills they developed last week in their 8 slide assignment.

    Homework: Read Chapter 1.1 (pages 35-42) Define key terms and answer all questions on page 42 (#1-6)- Due FRIDAY 29th of Aug

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Monday and Tuesday Day 9, 10

Today's Objectives and Outcomes:

Geography Standards addressed:
    The World in Spatial Terms:
  • How to use mental maps to organize information about people, places and environments in a spatial context
  • How to analyze the spatial organization of people, places and environments on the Earth's surface Places and Regions:
  • The physical and human characteristics of places Human Systems:
  • The characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on Earth's surface
  • The patterns and networks of economic interdependence on Earth's surface Environment and Society:
  • How human actions modify the physical environment

Warm-Up Activity

 Are the following questions about geography? Why or why not?

- Why is Texas among the fastest-growing states?
- How many professional sports teams does San Francisco have?
- Is Michigan part of the Rust Belt?
- How did the invention of the refrigerated train car affect farmers?

SWBAT (know & do)
    Students will be able to:
    1) Assign relative and absolute location
    2) Determine the significant characteristics of "place"
    3) Describe a region in terms of culture, physical features, trade, industry
    4) List reasons why migrations and trade are key events
    5) Explain two significant human-environment interactions

    The first part of the 5 Themes of Geography will be to view and take notes on a PowerPoint presentation. ( presentation ) Students will be required to take notes using the 3-column Cornell notes technique ( 3 column notes ). Once the presentation has been finished, students will be assigned one of the 5 themes and an assignment to use their newly acquired skills from Google Drive Presentations to make a single slide informational "poster" of their theme. Each student will be assigned to a group and each group will work collaboratively to develop a consistent theme for their project including type face style, size, color schemes, etc. The assignment sheet for the project can be found here  ( 5 themes assignment sheet ). Once each group is finished with their project, they will present their poster page to the class (each student presenting their own poster) demonstrating their newly acquired presentation skills they developed last week in their 8 slide assignment.

    Homework: Read Chapter 1.1 (pages 35-42) Define key terms and answer all questions on page 42 (#1-6)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Thursday-Friday Day 7,8

Today's Objectives and Outcomes:

SWBAT (know & do)

* Select a theme for the slide
* Create a blank presentation slide
* Format the slide background adding color or an image
* Insert a text box and move its location on the slide
* Format the text used on the slide
* Insert a image using both drag and drop from the desktop as well as inserting from a saved folder
* Insert a shape and format its color and border
* Stack shapes or images and adjust their order
* apply a transition to content on the slide
* change the order of transitions on the slide

WARM-UP: Write a brief summary of your first week at Leland. Good, bad, funny, sad, something that evoked an emotion and what is was

Here is the presentation worksheet guidelines to be completed in class - (Presentation Guidelines )

Here are the requirements of the custom slide each student needs to produce (Custom Slide Assignment )


5 Themes Learning Objectives - ( 5 themes Objectives )

The second part of the Block will be used to introduce students to the 5 themes of Geography. A 5-Themes ppt will be used and students will need to take notes. ( 5 themes ppt )
The Style of note taking that will be used for this presentation will be the 3 column Cornell Notes - (Cornell Notes Template). Students will record the information presented into the Cornell system.

If time permits, students will be assigned a country in which to answer the 5 Themes worksheet -( 5 themes worksheet ). Students will be given time in class to research the answers to the questions on the 5 themes as they relate to their country. One source of research will be the Culture Gram website - ( Culture Gram website ). Once students have finished researching their country, they should then review the requirments for the Fairy Tale assignment - ( Fairy Tale Assignment ).

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday-Wednesday Day 5,6

Today's Objectives and Outcomes:

SWBAT (know & do)

* Share a Drive created document with a classmate
* Read the classmates 3 paragraph answer and insert comments within the body of the text
* Write a summary that captures the essence of the person and use that paragraph to introduce
the classmate to the rest of class
* Open a Presentation document within Drive and apply basic formatting to a slide

WARM-UP: Write a brief description at the end of your paragraph answering this question:


The first part of the block will be used to make final adjustment to the 3 paragraph assignment. Students will then meet with their 8:00 clock partner to share their documents. Once the documents are shared, each student will read the others paragraphs and insert comments regarding the interesting items presented within the work.

Once this portion is finished, each student will then write a summary paragraph about their clock partner using the information presented in their paragraphs. This should be at least 6 full sentences and can be read as a formal description of the person. The paragraph should begin....

I would like everyone to meet _________( name).

The intro section should last through the first 3/4 of the block. The last section of the block will be spent introducing the class to the "features of a proper presentation"

Fruit survey - ( What type of fruit are you? ) After you have determined what food represents you, take the fruit survey and see what type of fruit this website thinks you accurate is it?

A great video of the features of Google drive presentation can be seen by following this link ( Presentation tool in Drive)

A great video that explains the important design principles in making a presentation. There are additional directions to this video that explain certain features that are advanced, so pay close attention to
this first few minutes and the ending summary ( design principles )

Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday Aug 18th Day 4

The objectives for today are the same as Thursday/Friday seeing the classes needed more time for the 3 Paragraph assignment.

Housekeeping items:
1. Please print out the last page of the syllabus and have your parents (as well as you) sign it. Please return it this week, preferable Tuesday.
2. Make sure you get the listed materials for the class especially the composition books as we will begin to incorporate them into daily classwork after the 3 paragraph project.

Today you will get the period to finish writing your 3 paragraph response to the questions provided. Once you are finished, you will be paired with one of your clock partners and you will read each others answers, and insert comments into their doc once it has been shared with you. You will then write your 1 paragraph response which you will read to the class as a way of introducing your partner to the class.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday Aug 14th & 15th - Day 2 and 3

Our Instructional Objectives today are as follows:

SWBAT (know and do)

- Login and create a Googe Drive acct.
- Open a Word Processing Document w/in Drive
- Correctly access and use the various tools on the tool ribbon within the Document
- Write a 3 paragraph Summary about themselves following written directions distributed w/in class
- Write a summary paragraph about a partners paper and introduce them to the rest of class

( Course Syllabus )
Today we were able to get started on the above tasks. Students can start to write-up their paragraphs in preparation for Monday, but it is not considered HW.

Resources for today's class work - ( Chromebook Login process )
( 3 Paragraph introduce yourself assignment )
( Google Docs "How To" resource )

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday Aug 13th Day 1

Welcome to World Cultures 1,2

On our first day we will:
1. Take attendance (this is when you can tell me what you would like to be called)
2. Establish a seating chart
3. Get our textbooks from the book depository
4. Review the class syllabus

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Remind is a free messaging service where teachers can safely text reminders to students and their families. All telephone numbers remain secured.

I can send group messages but you cannot reply to these messages.

I will periodically send out reminders via text/email. Please click on the appropriate link to sign up for YOUR class period. (Standard texting fees apply).

Remind link ( get Remind here )