Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday and Tuesday Nov 24th & 25th Days 60 & 61

Review for test tomorrow -Jeopardy Review 

Today will be a chance for students to understand the various components of culture. Each society has its rules and regulations, ways of conducting oneself in expected behaviors, and rights and rituals in which to follow. All of these actions are classified in various components each with their own process for enforcement. As American citizens many of the components feel natural to us because we have been exposed to them since birth, they seem second nature at this point. But visitors from another culture may find many of the things Americans do as strange. The same feeling would occur if you were to visit another culture with different influences/expectations/requirements of behavior.

Objective:SWBAT - list the various components of culture with examples of differences between each of the categories. Furthermore, students will be able to distinguish, by means of consequences, the various actions that are expected by american citizens.

Rationale:Understanding what guides the daily behavior of people in the united states allows for students to look at and understand that not all cultures have the same influences as the US, and actions not familiar to them does not automatically constitute a negative evaluation

Evidence: By understanding the components of the US culture, students should be able to reflect on their etiquette project to see differences in other cultures, and view them without an ethnocentric viewpoint.

Today's presentations -
Sequent Occupance ppt 
Introduction to Culture ppt 
Cultural Diversity ppt 

Jeopardy for Wednesday's test will be posted Tuesday after school here -Jeopardy Review 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday & Friday Nov 20th and 21st, Day 58 & 59

Today we will present  Part 1 and Part 2 of the Culture Presentation. The concept of Sequent Occupance will be introduced along with the basic tenets that make-up features of  Culture.

Etiquette Eval sheet - Turn-in with Essay
Features of Culture -turn in by Friday
Everyone has a Culture - turn in by Friday
World Map of countries evaluated Turn in by Friday - ( Map link )
Etiquette Essay - Early turn in is appreciated (by Friday would be great), but last day to submit is Wed (share it with me using same naming conventions....using whichever period you are in...... P1_Gillis_Culture

Given information describing the various steps of colonization and independence, students will be able to list the various factors which lead a nation to experience Sequent Occupance.

In addition we will be continue working on the Etiquette Essay.

Here is the example that was presented in class....

Etiquette is by definition, the conventional requirements as to social behavior; properties of conduct as established in any class or community or for an occasion. Etiquette is both regional and local, both personal and universal. In the study of the United States, etiquette as it relates to family life has both rigid and flexible components. When compared to cultures around the world, the Family Life etiquette characteristics have both similarities and differences in three main areas: example A, example B and Example C.

Paragraph 1: (similarities Topic Sentence)
Paragraph 2: (differences Topic Sentence)
Paragraph 3: (personal comparison Topic Sentence)


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday & Wednesday Nov 18th and 19th Days 56 & 57

Essay Writing foundation.

Today students will be introduced to the components of writing Topic Sentences and a Thesis Statement. A basic introduction presentation will be shown guiding students through some basic steps in formulating proper Topic Sentences. Once that presentation is complete I will show an example of an essay outline form that can be used to formulate both comparisons and differences in their countries. ( Link )

Here is a basic outline form for your essay - ( Link )

Once students are given some time to write their outline and start their essay, we will introduce the Culture presentation.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Nov 17th Day 56

Developing a Thesis Statement for your Etiquette Essay

Agenda for today: Students will be given time in class to finish their comparison of Etiquette Projects to determine the focus of their Essay. Students should begin to fill-in an essay outline which will assist in the development of their essay.

We will also introduce the initial steps in how to develop a Thesis Statement. By the end of the class period, students should have a working foundation of  their Thesis statement for their essay, and an outline of the points they plan on making in support of their Thesis Statement.

Essay Outline Form - ( Outline Form )

Etiquette Map - ( World Map ) - using this map, color in the 6 countries used in the essay (your country plus the 5 countries you chose to evaluate). Make a key at the bottom so I know the name and location of each country.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday Nov 13 Day 55

Etiquette Project and Culture Worksheets

Today students will use the class time to build their Etiquette Project Page.-( Project Directions ).

The Objectives for the Project are: Given a country and an informational website address, students will be able to summarize into a single sheet the various aspects of their assigned country, including but not limited to its greetings, agreed upon dining manners, and family structure dynamics.

Etiquette Layout - 1st section = Basic Stats (population, Capital City, Religions, ethnic breakdown, etc)2nd section = Unique things about your country (USA- Time is money, "American Dream")3rd section = Required Categories (Family Life, Greetings, Dining Etiquette)

Once the Project Page is completed, students will use this document-( Etiquette Eval ).

After each student has compiled the basic elements of their country in comparison to 5 others, they will write a 3 paragraph essay to reflect what they have learned. You should make an outline listing the Similarities (Paragraph 1) and the Differences (Paragraph 2). The 3rd paragraph is comparing your chosen country to America.

Follow these directions on how to compile and write your essay-( Essay Directions ).

Essay outline - ( Outline ).

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday Nov 12th (no school yesterday -Veterans Day) Day 55

Etiquette Project and Culture Worksheets

Today students will use the class time to build their Etiquette Project Page. -( Project Directions ).

The Objectives for the Project are: Given a country and an informational website address, students will be able to summarize into a single sheet the various aspects of their assigned country, including but not limited to its greetings, agreed upon dining manners, and family structure dynamics.

Students should copy all of the content of their country informational page into their Google Drive acct, and begin annotating and summarizing the content into smaller chunks. The project itself should be built in their Google Drive Presentation app.
*remember to adjust the page size to 8.5 X 11 in the "page set-up"  under the "file" drop-down.
Please refer to samples of previous projects to get an idea for how the information can be laid out.

Once the Project Page is completed, each student will use this document - ( Etiquette Eval ).

After each student has compiled the basic elements of their country in caparison to 5 others, they will write a 3 paragraph essay to reflect what they have learned. Follow these directions on how to compile and write your essay - ( Essay Directions ).


Etiquette Informational sheet - ( Country Information sheet )
Etiquette Category sheet - ( Question Category sheet )
Here is an example I made of the USA - ( USA sample )

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday Nov 10th, Day 54

Etiquette Project and Culture Worksheets

Today students will use the class time to research their assigned country for the Etiquette Project. The directions for the project are here -( Project Directions ).

The Objectives for the Project are here: Given a country and an informational website address, students will be able to summarize into a single sheet the various aspects of their assigned country, including but not limited to its greetings, agreed upon dining manners, and family structure dynamics.

Students should copy all of the content of their country informational page into their Google Drive acct, and begin annotating and summarizing the content into smaller chunks. The project itself should be built in their Google Drive Presentation app.
*remember to adjust the page size to 8.5 X 11 in the "page set-up"  under the "file" drop-down.
Please refer to samples of previous projects to get an idea for how the information can be laid out.


Etiquette Informational sheet - ( Country Information sheet )
Etiquette Category sheet - ( Question Category sheet )
Here is an example I made of the USA - ( USA sample )

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday and Friday Nov 6th & 7th Day 52 & 53

Culture Unit Starts Today

Today marks the first day of the Culture Unit. Students will be given the fist part of the class block to finish the Columbian Exchange mapping activity, but will then transition into the Culture Unit.

Last thing is to watch Crash Course on the Columbian Exchange - ( youtube link)

One of the first things we did was watch Carol Dweck's  talk about
having a  Growth Mindset- ( Ted Talk )
and did a follow-up video on one of the study's Dweck group did - (Power of Praise)

Culture Unit Learning Objectives:

• Understand the defining attributes of culture
• Culture is learned, shared, symbolic, all-encompassing, and integrated
• Understand the different divisions of culture and know the characteristics of  each (High, Pop, Sub and Counter)
• Understand the difference between Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism  and how both relate to viewing other cultures
• Understand the mechanisms of cultural change (Diffusion, Acculturation, etc)
• Understand rise of Western Civilization and historical influences
• Understand Globalization and forces behind it
• Understand xenophobia and the impact it has had on American Culture
• Understand culture traits, and symbols
• Understand norms, taboos, faux pas, mores, folkways, and the application of  each
• Understand the different features of Western Culture vs Eastern Culture as it  relates to Cultural Norms

The first worksheets students will fill-out is the Features of Culture - ( link to doc here )
The second worksheet will fill-out is Everyone has a culture ( link to doc here )

Etiquette Project Intro

Here are the directions to the assignment - ( Project Directions )
Here is the list of countries that have an etiquette informational sheet ( list of countries )

There are several examples in the class of previous students work on this assignment.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday and Wednesday Nov 4th & 5th Day 50 & 51

Today we went over the Mapping Test and updated assignment sheets. The curve was set as a 44, which means the "magic number" is 30 for this test. You have 1 week to re-take the test.

After the test we did our Gallery Walk of the Timeline Project. Students got a chance to see all of the timelines their classmates produced. It was a fierce competition but each class produced a Gold, Silver and Bronze winner. Now its time to see the overall winner of all classes.

Once the Gallery walk was finished we watched Carol Dweck's short video about open mindset vs closed mindset. Too many students have fixed mindsets regarding their abilities and tend to stop and throw up their hands when they encounter difficulties rather than persevering.

Columbian Exchange mapping activity:

The remainder of the period was spent starting the Columbian Exchange mapping activity.
World maps for activity - (Maps for Columbian Exchange Activity)
Here are the directions sheets for the activity, but you don't need to print them- (Directions)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday Nov 3rd. Day 49

Mapping Test is today

Today is also the first day of the final 6 weeks of Semester 1.

All grades need to be checked for accuracy and any mistakes need to be addressed today. After today, no work form the previous 6 weeks will be eligible to be turned in late.

Follow these steps today:

1. Take the Mapping Test (and do well)
2. Get your chromebook and check your grade on-line
3. If you have a zero for any assignment, make sure you didn't send it as a "share" on your Drive acct. I had multiple students send me shared files. Those assignments need to be in a pdf format attached to an email (labeled so I know who it's coming from, which period you are in, and what assignment it is)
4. Make sure your timeline is available on your chromebook - we will do a gallery walk activity tomorrow to determine the winner.

For tomorrow:

Print out and bring with you these 3 world maps- (Maps for Columbian Exchange Activity)
Here are the directions sheets for the activity, but you don't need to print them- (Directions)