Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday & Friday Dec 4th and 5th, Days 67 & 68

Today's plan...

OBJECTIVE: Provided a chromebook with full internet access students will be able to research their ancestral culture to find multiple images related to cultural subjects to build a poster board collage. The collage will be an informative piece that will be presented to classmates as a way of teaching them about their ancestral culture.

RATIONALE: Students should have an understanding about their own timeline of where they come from. Many students have very little connection to their past, and this one step in connecting them to their parents, grandparents and great grandparents as well as their families past.

EVIDENCE: The collage will demonstrate that students know the features that allow us to define a culture. Students will be able to identify and explain those features in a presentation format to their classmates.

Second assignment - current events article related to the identified country of their collage.

OBJECTIVE: Provided a chromebook with full internet access, students will be able to research a current events article about the country of their collage, and write a descriptive summary outlining the key components of what occurred in that country.

RATIONALE: students need to have a better understanding of events occurring in the world outside their immediate view.

EVIDENCE: the summary paragraph will allow students to connect to places around the world and become aware of issues effecting places outside of America.

Third assignment - opinion regarding three cases. 

Michael Brown (Ferguson Missouri), Eric Garner (NY City) and Tamir Rice (Cleveland Ohio)
Students will write a short summary explaining what happened in each event. They will then access the Pro/Con website regarding Social Media and provide evidence that supports their opinion of whether social media was helpful in the above cases or hurtful. - (Social Networking Pro/Con )

OBJECTIVE: Provided a chromebook with full internet access, students will be able to summarize the recent events a white police officer and a black male suspect encounter resulting in the suspects death, within a clear written paragraph as to what solutions (if any) can reduce the rate at which these events occur.

RATIONALE: students need to have a better understanding of events occurring in the world outside their immediate view, and should have an opinion about the type of justice system they wish to have.

EVIDENCE: the summary paragraph will allow students to address a growing concern in this country of the relationship between our police force and the community of color they represent.

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