Friday, January 24, 2014

from guest blogger Joyce ( as well as selective editing by Mr Gillis) -

Today in class we had a great opportunity to work collaboratively, but our lack of enthusiasm, left our fearless leader Mr Gillis no choice but to assign the work to be done individually.
We apologize deeply from the bottom of our hearts with remorse that is only surpassed by the guilt of a cat that has scratched the furniture. Other than that we worked on the Inca Aztec Mayan sentence frames as well as additional Chapter 10 assignments in anticipation for the test on Monday.

On that note - assignments due today Friday
-Textbook page 225 Q's 1-5, Drawing Inferences(pdf),  Determining Causes (pdf),
-Textbook page 231 Q's 1-5, Page 235 Q's 1-5

Due Monday will be
-Geography of Mexico(pdf), A Place of 3 Cultures(pdf) Mexico Article
-Textbook page 232-233 Q's 11-28 (skip #20)

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