Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday Jan 30th

From guest Blogger Joyce

Thursday 30, 2014

Today in history, Gandhi was assassinated, FDR was born, "Bloody Sunday" took place, and Charles I of England was beheaded. Today in history class, however, we took notes on a presentation shown using Mr. Park's obnoxiously bright projector; almost as obnoxious as an dying hippo in a neon pink suit. The presentation, along with tonight's homework, is both on the class website. Test retakes are still ongoing, oh joy.

From Mr. G
Today was all about the Encomienda System the Spanish implemented into their newly conquered territory on New Spain (Mexico). The social class categories were described as well as the rights and privileges associated with those groups.

Students should remember to work on the homework that is assigned each day. Ye there is a lot in this Unit, but all those assignments add up, and the Chapter test is directly related to those assignments.

I will once again put up a jeopardy review which should help students prepare for the Test (currently scheduled for Monday), but may be pushed to Wed so all the material can be covered and reviewed.

HW for tonight
- Supporting Main Ideas pdf ( link here )
- Analyzing  Pictograph pdf ( link here )

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