Thursday, February 6, 2014

Guns Germs and Steel Day

Today, Feb 6th

From guest Blogger Joyce -

Let the games begin! And without offending anyone, I sincerely hope, congratulations to Google for their awesome doodle.

On the other hand, today we corrected tests. For the first time in forever (Disney!), the curve was set by someone other than Amanda Chen. But for the first time in forever, we can fix this hand in hand-

By going and retaking the test if you failed (under 79%) to get above a C+, congrats! You get to spend mandatory lunch or after school time with Mr. Gillis and learn all about his 4th grade adventures.


 From Mr G.
We went over Chapter 13 test today and congratulations to Je min Ryu and Natalie Cavanna for getting a perfect score on the test.

After the review we watched a 20 min section on Guns, Germs, and Steel video and discussed the "factors" the author Jared Diamond claimed were the reasons behind the success of certain civilization.
Tomorrow we will finish the material on the Colombian Exchange and review for the Latin America Political and Physical test for Monday.

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