Monday, February 10, 2014

Latin America Political & Physical Test

Today,  Monday Feb 10th -

The day of the Mapping Test of Latin America has arrived, and wow was there plenty of complaining.

Students turned in their maps, including the 2 Political maps of Latin America (1 of Central America and the other of South America) as well as 2 Physical Maps of the same regions. Lastly they also turned in their 3 Biome Maps (Temp, Rainfall & Vegetation)

There were 71 total items on the test and the students were given a word bank of the Physical items.
1 mistake was found -  the river identified as R1 on the exam (Magdalena in Colombia) was not on the original list of items to place on the map, and therefore should not have been included on the test (my bad). That question will be thrown out bring the total down to 70.

No homework for tonight.

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