Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday May 19th

from guest bloggers Joyce and Julia....

from Joyce -
Monday, May 19
Class started with us handing back (Or receiving, freeloaders.) corrected papers. Remember to check your PIV to make sure there are no discrepancies between the grade you received and the grade inputted into the PIV (like a very humble student who Mr. Gillis loves dearly found) so that if possible, you can "skip" the final (YES). We then finished the documentary "Inequality for All" and also finished the notes on Communism.

From Julia - 

Today started with finishing up the video with Robert Reich from Friday. Then we moved on to the Communism Powerpoint, where Mr. Gillis displayed his amazing pronunciation of Chinese names. Today's homework is Textbook page 676 Q's 1-5 and will be due on Tuesday. 
Remember that we only have 13 days of school left, which is 10 days closer to the final.  

-- Julia 

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