Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday and Tuesday Nov 24th & 25th Days 60 & 61

Review for test tomorrow -Jeopardy Review 

Today will be a chance for students to understand the various components of culture. Each society has its rules and regulations, ways of conducting oneself in expected behaviors, and rights and rituals in which to follow. All of these actions are classified in various components each with their own process for enforcement. As American citizens many of the components feel natural to us because we have been exposed to them since birth, they seem second nature at this point. But visitors from another culture may find many of the things Americans do as strange. The same feeling would occur if you were to visit another culture with different influences/expectations/requirements of behavior.

Objective:SWBAT - list the various components of culture with examples of differences between each of the categories. Furthermore, students will be able to distinguish, by means of consequences, the various actions that are expected by american citizens.

Rationale:Understanding what guides the daily behavior of people in the united states allows for students to look at and understand that not all cultures have the same influences as the US, and actions not familiar to them does not automatically constitute a negative evaluation

Evidence: By understanding the components of the US culture, students should be able to reflect on their etiquette project to see differences in other cultures, and view them without an ethnocentric viewpoint.

Today's presentations -
Sequent Occupance ppt 
Introduction to Culture ppt 
Cultural Diversity ppt 

Jeopardy for Wednesday's test will be posted Tuesday after school here -Jeopardy Review 

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