Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday and Friday Nov 6th & 7th Day 52 & 53

Culture Unit Starts Today

Today marks the first day of the Culture Unit. Students will be given the fist part of the class block to finish the Columbian Exchange mapping activity, but will then transition into the Culture Unit.

Last thing is to watch Crash Course on the Columbian Exchange - ( youtube link)

One of the first things we did was watch Carol Dweck's  talk about
having a  Growth Mindset- ( Ted Talk )
and did a follow-up video on one of the study's Dweck group did - (Power of Praise)

Culture Unit Learning Objectives:

• Understand the defining attributes of culture
• Culture is learned, shared, symbolic, all-encompassing, and integrated
• Understand the different divisions of culture and know the characteristics of  each (High, Pop, Sub and Counter)
• Understand the difference between Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism  and how both relate to viewing other cultures
• Understand the mechanisms of cultural change (Diffusion, Acculturation, etc)
• Understand rise of Western Civilization and historical influences
• Understand Globalization and forces behind it
• Understand xenophobia and the impact it has had on American Culture
• Understand culture traits, and symbols
• Understand norms, taboos, faux pas, mores, folkways, and the application of  each
• Understand the different features of Western Culture vs Eastern Culture as it  relates to Cultural Norms

The first worksheets students will fill-out is the Features of Culture - ( link to doc here )
The second worksheet will fill-out is Everyone has a culture ( link to doc here )

Etiquette Project Intro

Here are the directions to the assignment - ( Project Directions )
Here is the list of countries that have an etiquette informational sheet ( list of countries )

There are several examples in the class of previous students work on this assignment.

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