Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday & Friday Nov 20th and 21st, Day 58 & 59

Today we will present  Part 1 and Part 2 of the Culture Presentation. The concept of Sequent Occupance will be introduced along with the basic tenets that make-up features of  Culture.

Etiquette Eval sheet - Turn-in with Essay
Features of Culture -turn in by Friday
Everyone has a Culture - turn in by Friday
World Map of countries evaluated Turn in by Friday - ( Map link )
Etiquette Essay - Early turn in is appreciated (by Friday would be great), but last day to submit is Wed (share it with me using same naming conventions....using whichever period you are in...... P1_Gillis_Culture

Given information describing the various steps of colonization and independence, students will be able to list the various factors which lead a nation to experience Sequent Occupance.

In addition we will be continue working on the Etiquette Essay.

Here is the example that was presented in class....

Etiquette is by definition, the conventional requirements as to social behavior; properties of conduct as established in any class or community or for an occasion. Etiquette is both regional and local, both personal and universal. In the study of the United States, etiquette as it relates to family life has both rigid and flexible components. When compared to cultures around the world, the Family Life etiquette characteristics have both similarities and differences in three main areas: example A, example B and Example C.

Paragraph 1: (similarities Topic Sentence)
Paragraph 2: (differences Topic Sentence)
Paragraph 3: (personal comparison Topic Sentence)


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