Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday & Wednesday Oct 14th &15th Days 35, 36

Island Project/Article/Timeline

Today students will work on their Island project, the Early Map Making Article, and the Navigators & Tools Article.

- Given and article covering historical Explorers and the tools they used for navigation, students will be able to describe using a summary format, the various advancements in exploration technology, and the effect those advancements had on the distance, duration and accuracy of travel.

Navigators and Tools -
ABSTRACT: Upon completion of this article student will be able to describe, using a summary format (answering the questions), the various advancements in exploration tools/technology, and the effect those advancements/tools had on the distance, duration, and accuracy of travel. In addition, students will be able to list in a timeline format the various people that played a major role in the advancement of cartography and exploration -  (Article and Questions)

                                                                 Timeline - 
Begin the process of making a timeline of events, people and advancements in cartography and exploration. Use the Google Drive Presentation tools to include: a line, pictures of people, tools,etc and a brief description of what the item is or who the  person was, and what impact they had on the history of mapping.- (Timeline directions )


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